Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Iron 30 Veggie Caps
- Vitamin Code Raw Iron Raw Dairy Free Vegetarian 1 UltraZorbe vegi-cap per day Unadulterated – no binders, non-pasteurized With added Organic Fruits and Vegetable Blend Made with RAW ingredients – not heated above 45
- 55°C UnCareed – no pesticides, chemicals or chemical preservatives used UltraZorbe encapsulation – no oxidation, maintains peak nutrient activity Vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant supplement for the maintenance of good health Also Assists in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums, in connective tissue formation, and wound healing Vitamin B12 and folic acid work together in the production of red blood cells and complement iron’s function in the formation of hemoglobin Assists to prevent iron deficiency anaemia, to form red blood cells and Assists in their proper function, and Assists the body to metabolize fats and proteins Almost two thirds of the body’s iron is found in hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from cell to all other cells in the body
- A necessary trace element, iron is vital for producing ATP, the body’s primary energy source and providing extra fuel to muscles during exertion
- Iron is an integral part of many proteins and several enzymes in the human physiology and is essential for the regulation of cell development
- Vitamin Code RAW Iron is a comprehensive, whole food, multi-nutrient formula made with RAW Food-Created Nutrients providing delivery of vitamins and minerals, particularly iron (25mg), vitamin B12 (500mcg), vitamin C (25mg)and folic acid (400mcg)
- Including vitamin B12, C and folic acid in this formula, provides the complimentary nutrients that work together to Assist iron more efficiently perform its varied and vital functions in the body